Become a Member/FAQs


FAQs Temple of Hermes

Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Temple of Hermes Membership. Please feel free to email us any other questions or inquiries which are not addressed below at:

Ayahuasca, Membership

How do I get my membership?

Joining our community is as easy as 1-2-3! Follow these simple steps to unlock the exclusive benefits of membership.

1. Register Your Account:

Start your journey by clicking the “Register” button on our My Account page. It is free to sign up unless you want access to the members area. Fill out the form with the required details and hit submit. Don’t forget to check your email for a verification link to confirm your account and username, and to also set your password.

2. Discover Your Perfect Membership Plan:

Once registered, finding your ideal membership is a breeze. Simply navigate to our Membership Store through the link on your New Account email, or the main menu.

How much does the paid membership cost for the Temple of Hermes?

For a limited time our membership fees have been reduced to $11.11, in recognition of the successful settlement of the Church of the Eagle and Condor with the DOJ, DHS, and the DEA. Setting major precedent for all ayahuasca churches in the USA to be recognized as legitimate and whole.

Benefits of Having a Membership:

  • Legal Protection: Ensures the lawful practice of sacred rituals and settings with sacraments like Psilocybin, Huachuma, and Ayahuasca.
  • Access to Sacred Sacraments: Provides reliable and respectful access to important spiritual sacraments.
  • Global Network: Help create and maintain a network of locations worldwide for hosting retreats and ceremonies.
  • Safe Ceremonial Spaces: Find curated environments designed for safety and spiritual engagement.
  • Community Support: Connects members with a supportive network of individuals on similar spiritual paths.
  • Personal Growth: Facilitates the expansion of human potential through structured ceremonies and sacramental guidance.

3. Seal the Deal:

With your desired plan in sight, click “Add to Cart” to proceed to checkout. Review your plan details, enter your payment information, and apply any promo codes you might have. Upon confirming your purchase, you’ll receive a warm welcome message and emailed donation receipt outlining the next steps to enjoy your new membership status with access to the marketplace.

What Happens After I Purchase My Membership?

Post-purchase, you’re officially part of the family! A welcome email will soon arrive in your inbox, detailing how to access your membership, benefits, which range from exclusive content and products to special discounts and access to the marketplace.

Need More Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance at any stage, our dedicated customer service team is here to help. Contact us at, and we’ll ensure your journey to membership is as smooth as possible.

Do I have to be a member to sit in ceremony?

The short answer is, no. We encourage you to join our congregation when you feel ready and when you feel like you have reason to. Just like you don’t have to be baptized to sit in Catholic Mass or the LDS Sacrament Meetings, you do NOT have to be a member to sit in our ceremonies. You have the freedom to practice your own seeking of faith and enlightenment with Creator. Partaking of the sacrament in ceremony signifies the beginning of your journey with us, serving as the initial step on your path.

What is contained in the sacrament?

Our main sacrament, Yagé, is made of B. Caapi and Diplopterys Cabrerana and/or Psychotria Viridis and Mimosa Hostilis. Once harvested from the Earth, it is brewed using pure elements and refined down to a proper remedy. We then carefully store the medicine in temperature controlled environments to ensure its viability.

When will the marketplace be ready?

The Marketplace is ready for paid memberships only.

What is the Temple of Hermes? Why is this not a for-profit company?

The Temple of Hermes is founded upon the idea that its sacraments can be appropriately characterized as “entheogens.” As an entheogen, our sacraments allow us to open our consciousness to better receive source energy and connect with our own inner divinity. Historically speaking, these types of entheogenic sacraments were used all across the world in a spiritual/religious context. 

We recognize and respect the constitutional rights to freedom of religion, which include the exploration and use of plant medicines within a spiritual and ceremonial context. We believe in the sovereign relationship between individuals and nature, acknowledging the potential for personal growth, spiritual connection, and general healing that can be facilitated through these practices.

As a Church, we operate within the legal framework that safeguards the rights of individuals to exercise their religious beliefs that share our faith. We adhere to strict guidelines and protocols to ensure that our activities align with the legal regulations and precedents established by relevant jurisdictions.

It’s important to note that while our organization supports the exploration of plant medicines, we do so within legal and ethical boundaries and reserve the right to decline membership or services for any reason for those that seek without proper reason. We promote responsible use, safety, and adherence to applicable laws and regulations. We also encourage our members to engage in informed decision-making, seek appropriate guidance, and prioritize their well-being throughout their spiritual journey.

It is our mission and goal

To inspire our brothers and sisters of the world to find a path of deep and radical honesty, self-reflection, self-transformation and self-awakening with the support of visionary plants, plant spirits and ancestral healing practices.

It is our intention to continually improve our community and land with the spirit of reciprocity so that we may provide the most effective, experienced, respectful and caring healing environment in the Amazon Rainforest and our sanctuaries in the United States and other countries.

Principles and Code of Ethics for Temple of Hermes Facilitators

[Preamble] For centuries, individuals have sought personal enrichment and a deeper connection to the divine through various spiritual practices, including prayer, meditation, rituals, and communal observances. These practices hold the potential for exceptional states of consciousness and transformative experiences. In recognition of this, the Temple of Hermes establishes the following Code of Ethics for individuals applying to become part of the temple community.

  1. [Intention] Applicants to the Temple of Hermes must demonstrate a sincere intention to cultivate awareness, empathy, and wisdom in their spiritual journey.

  2. [Serving the Community] Applicants should recognize the importance of conducting spiritual practices in ways that benefit the community and uphold public safety, health, and order. The heightened awareness gained through these practices can inspire personal and social change. Therefore, applicants should strive to direct their energies responsibly, with love and consideration for all beings.

  3. [Respecting Individuals] Applicants shall respect and honor the autonomy and dignity of each person within the temple community. Participation in any spiritual practice within the temple must be voluntary, based on informed consent provided by each individual while in a clear state of mind. Full disclosure of any potential physical or psychological risks associated with the practice is required. It is crucial to acknowledge that spiritual experiences can be challenging and deeply transformative. Applicants are responsible for ensuring the well-being and safety of individuals during spiritual practices and the vulnerable periods that may follow. Clear boundaries and guidelines should be established in advance, and a commitment to confidentiality must be maintained.

  4. [Competence] Applicants should only engage in spiritual practices for which they have sufficient personal experience, training, or education that qualifies them.

  5. [Integrity] Applicants must strive for self-awareness, recognizing how their belief systems, values, needs, and limitations may impact their spiritual journey and interactions within the temple community. Given the susceptibility of individuals to suggestion and manipulation during spiritual practices, applicants pledge to protect others and refrain from exploiting their vulnerability for personal gain or to harm others.

  6. [Embracing Humility] Applicants should approach their spiritual path with humility, recognizing that personal and organizational ambition can have harmful consequences. The temple community is encouraged to grow through attraction rather than aggressive promotion.

  7. [Non-Profit Orientation] Applicants must embrace a spirit of service in their engagement with the temple community. Financial considerations should not hinder access to spiritual practices, and applicants should strive to accommodate individuals regardless of their ability to contribute financially.

  8. [Tolerance] Applicants should practice openness and respect towards individuals whose beliefs may differ from their own, fostering an inclusive and harmonious temple community.

  9. [Peer Review] Each applicant should seek guidance and feedback from experienced members of the temple community to ensure the integrity of their practices. Likewise, applicants should be prepared to offer support and guidance to their peers when needed.

    By upholding these principles and adhering to this Code of Ethics, applicants of the Temple of Hermes can contribute positively to the collective spiritual journey, fostering personal growth, and building a supportive and transformative community within the temple’s sacred space.

If you’re interested in becoming a facilitator, we invite you to explore this enriching opportunity with us. Facilitators play a crucial role in guiding discussions, fostering learning, and creating an inclusive environment for all participants. To express your interest and learn more about the process, qualifications, and training required, please reach out to us directly through the contact form below or send us an email at

We look forward to hearing from you and potentially welcoming you to our team of dedicated facilitators.