The Divine Feminine

Working with the Divine Feminine is one of the most ancient ways of healing with the Earth, certain plants, and cosmic energies that are the very basis and foundation of creation. It is within the divine feminine that we are able to process our grief and sadness with a loving sense of compassion. Nature and the Earth are the embodiment of the sacred and divine mother and are here to assist us with reconnecting to our roots as human beings and as stewards of the Earth.

Ayahuasca is known as the Grandmother of All plants. Creating an archetype that surrounds the energy of this medicine as being the exalted sense of the divine feminine and an embodiment of the Grandmother Archetype. The Divine feminine teaches us how to hold space for creation, and how to create the well of wisdom in which we can draw from as we grow and harmonize with our experience and world.

We are currently witnessing a revival and sacred empowerment of the Divine Feminine through our relationship the Earth and the ancestors that continue to hold space for the transformation of our world into a more balanced system that honors the union of our masculine and feminine.

By dissolving the toxic and dominant patriarchal system that is in place in many of our society’s today, and empowering the sacred and divine feminine, we encourage and invite the world to examine their relationships to the Earth, to Nature, and to their communities with a sense of renewed compassion and understanding the role we have as children of the Earth, and of the Stars.

As we continue to seek balance and peace in a world that is self-destructing and collapsing upon itself due to deeply disturbing practices of dominant masculinity and oftentimes frightening world events, many of us have become determined to create a powerful catalyst and open a space of deep spiritual healing that is missing in a modern society. In coalition with the original and indigenous peoples of the Putumayo, the ancestral practices of the Inga and ancient wisdom traditions from around the world, we have healed our relationship with our living Earth, Pachamama.

Here at our Temple, we work to embody a healthy balance of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, ultimately creating a unified approach to the healing work of an individual.

Our female curanderas are gentle, yet strong humans; compassionately fearless. Recognizing the depths of the Divine Feminine, our healers treat all of our guest like their own children, embodying love, compassion, tenderness, gentleness, and kindness.

Our temple works gracefully to provide a caring and compassionate environment, along with careful attention to the needs of our guests as well as provide any extra accommodations that we can in order to provide an experience centered on reciprocity and the unique strength and power of the Divine Feminine to invite and create a truly transformational experience on both the personal and collective levels of self.

By connecting to the Earth and to the Ancestors will be one of the only ways we are able to grow into sustainability and a much needed change in our world and societies.