Why Us?

For someone who is seeking healing, or a deeper connection with the authentic self through the use of Ayahuasca/Yagé, it is important that you find a space that truly calls to you and that feels in deep alignment with your heart and your inner being. Here at the Temple of Hermès, we are disciples of the Mutumbajoy Lineage. A family that is widely known throughout Colombian Curandismo and the ancient forests of the Putumayo.

We are both excited and honored to have the opportunity to develop a space that is in the Heart of the Salt Lake City, Utah and is in direct connection with the Ingano people and the indigenous tribes of the Putumayo. We truly believe in the gift of reciprocity with Nature. Which is why we source all of our medicines directly from our Mother Churches based in Peru and Colombia.

We are a space for our community to able to connect with the Nature/Cosmos and their humanity in a safe, traditional setting and truly (re)connect to the earth, the water, the fire, the air, and the original ways.

It is our purpose to create and offer a deep sense of reciprocity within the communities we serve and observe the sacred rites that Pachamama blesses us with, as we remember our true connection to each other and to the land and body of our Sacred Earth.

We believe in honoring the humanity and the divinity of all people. We honor the call that is made to all peoples of the world who desire to discover a deeper meaning to life and to our roles as stewards of this planet. As people of the Red Road and as a people who honor the medicine wheel and all peoples of the Earth we are excited to be a bridge into a deeper understanding for us as a global community to reconnect with our roots and to remember who we truly are.

What is Yagé?

Yagé is different than the colloquial term known as “ayahuasca” that is widely known throughout most of the culture. Yagé is a blend of two different lianas, or vines, that are found in the Colombian Amazon. These two plants are Banisteriopsis Caapi and Diplopterys Cabrerana (Chaliponga/Chagroponga). In places like Peru, “ayahuasca” is brewed usually with Chacruna, Psychotria Viridis as the other admixture plant in connection with B. Caapi.

In Colombia, the sacred brew that our ancestors worked with, is known as Yagé.

Some that have experienced both “ayahuasca” and “yagé” report that there are slight differences in the experience. Physically, Yagé has less tannin’s and is more gentle on the body and digestive tract, while still providing the deep purification and cleansing that is provided from working with the medicine.

The Mutumbajoy Lineage

Colombia is the land of Magical Realism, the supernatural and extraordinary. With the many different traditions and families that have worked with Ayahuasca throughout time in memorial, we are excited to share our roots and our family’s teachings.

The Mutumbajoy lineage is said to be one of the oldest family lineages that has ever worked with Ayahuasca/Yagé.

When we ask our elders of the story that is Mutumbajoy, they tell us that we are found in the roots of our Pachamama, as one of the Original People’s of this planet that still hold’s true to the ancient ways and the responsibility of our people as sacred stewards for the Earth and her many children.

As dedicated students and initiates of Mutumbajoy Lineage and of Hermès Trismegistus, we have come together to create the modern worlds first Temple of Hermès.

We chose this name because we recognize the work of Hermès as being in direct alignment with the teachings of our ancestors and desire to honor the sacred alchemical process and connection that we were guided to. We are dedicated to teaching in the original ways – with the Plants, Tarot, Inner Alchemy, and Astrology; in an environment that is deeply aligned and curated with the love of our Infinite Creator.

Our Prayer

We recognize that we are part of the original logos and part of one original thought, and we recognize that our place in the Universe, is right here on Earth as stewards for Pachamama during this divine time, in which she is giving birth to a new world. We trust that we are the brothers and sisters of each of you. We are the children of our mother earth, with the Cosmos being our Sacred Father – and as children of the Stars, we hold space for the transition taking place every day within the Hearts and Minds of our Friends, Family, Co-workers, Leaders, and Elected Officials, offering a deep and authentic connection to the Natural World and to the ways of Self-mastery and Healing.

Every being that has ever lived, we are each part of, and they us. We are infinitely connected to one another and to the purpose of Life and the Will of our One Infinite Creator. Our temple is here to assist mankind with/in the growth necessary and to help each other evolve as we each receive further the catalyst that is Life while holding space for Fortune, Divine Providence and the compassionate and unconditional love of our creator in order to do the Great Work. And so it is – our service to mankind, and the careful curation of creating and establishing a dedicated facility for people from all walks of life to come and train in the old ways of personal and self mastery.

We recognize a deeper sense of seeking that takes place within the self as a wanderer begins to vibrantly seek the truth about the Infinite Self. This kind of seeking requires a devotion to self, the truth, a strength and love dedicated to the purpose of understanding; and seeking with an open heart.

It is through the creation of our church that we catalyze our continued service to mankind and to the world. As we desire to have a space that focuses on empowering the individual to find their unique sense of divinity – and striving to assist mankind in rejoining into harmony with the Earth.